Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year's Resolution....Blog!

This long dormant blog has be haunting me. I started this blog in 2005, and had a good run at posting - but soon found myself not putting posts out into the Internet ether. I continued to read sevearal blogs daily though - many of which I put on the sidebars here about 6 months ago.

My New Year's resoultion is to blog more. Why? Two reasons. First, it engages me in a conversation with others who have something to say on topics that interest me. Second, blogging allows me to jot down thoughts, share them, revisit them, refine them with others, and build on them. It allows me to creatively explore ideas. This blog is my open scratch pad and shared creative journal.

Regarding note-taking, scratch pads, etc., I was recently struck by this interesting blog post from Marc Andreessen, where he quotes from a 1934 New Yorker magazine profile of Hollywood producer Darryl Zanuck and his one-time boss H. C. Witwer.

All life is art direction.....